From: Bob RankinSubject: TOURBUS - 26 APR 2005 - Rider's Revenge #33
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Hi all... It's been quite a while since the last Rider's Revenge issue, where I share sites that fellow Tourbus riders think are useful, fun, cool or otherwise worthy of attention. If you have a favorite site that's possibly of interest to an global audience, send it along for the next Rider's Revenge. Read on!
Daniel from Australia proffered the following:
> Hi there Bob, I hopped off the Bus for a while then wondered what
> was missing in my life. Hopped back on and the planets came back
> into alignment. I thought I would mention a site for you to check
> out. It's called 'Braingle' and is a brain teaser web site.
> The creator of the site wanted to create a site that contained all
> the brain teasers that have ever been written (yep, huge job) but
> many people began writing their own teasers and submitting them.
> I started off as just a lowly user there and it is one of the only
> sites I have ever really 'stuck' to as a regular visitor.
Ken from Auckland, New Zealand opined thusly:
> Bob, I've been riding the Tourbus for quite a number of years, so
> thanks to you and Patrick. I enjoy a site called "Heavens Above"
> which is an amazing site and well worth sharing, so am passing it
> on. Kind regards and many thanks for your help.
Deputy Watson, presumed to be in NY State, offered up this:
> This is a live cam website from a lot of cities. You can go to the
> Chicago site and wait for the Sears Tower to show up, the top is
> orange and blue. Just thought the Tourbus folks might like to
> see these cameras. But be careful they are addicting!!
DRIVER'S NOTE: This *is* a really cool site. These images from all over the world are updated every few seconds, so you can watch the traffic and pedestrians moving about on city streets.
Ken Leebow from Marietta, GA said:
> I've created a new blog called Blogging About Blogs. I'm reporting
> on incredible blogs. I think it's a much needed service, as it's
> difficult to find the ones that are worth reading.
Doug in Boise, ID wrote:
> Hey Bob, Thanks for years of great reading and help! I've created
> a free site for fundraising via a yard sale. All the price tags,
> reports, etc. are custom generated PDF output. The tags print out
> on standard mailing labels, and you can even place a bar code on
> them. The site grew out of a project I created for my neighbor's
> "Mother's of Twins Club" bi-annual fundraiser.
I want to remind you about a fun feature on the TOURBUS website. "Very Strange Things on the Web" is a collection of links to offbeat sites that are fun, amusing or just bizarre. All in good taste, of course. In the recent past we featured "French Guy With Bike Horns Plays Classical Music" and "Death of a Printer". Today, we proudly feature The Official Dryer Lint Page.
Very Strange Things -
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That's all for now, see you next time! -- Bob Rankin
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