Date: Tue, 01 Aug 1995 02:08:17 -0400 (EDT) From: "Doctor Bob" RankinTo: Subject: Gopher Jewels ---------------------- TOURBUS - 01 Aug 1995 ---------------------- /~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~/~~~|~\ |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____/ | \ | /_____|---\ / --T-H-E---I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T---T-O-U-R-B-U-S--> ///////| | | |///////| | ~~~/~~~\~/~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~\~~~~ \___/ \___/ "Why Surf When U Can Ride The Bus?" \___/ Welcome back! The TourBus is now carrying over 11,000 riders from 40+ countries. Today our scheduled stop is at the Gopher Jewels site, but first this message from our very first TourBus sponsor... ************************* MAKE THE LINK! **************************** Thomas P. Copley, Ph.D., teacher of the popular Go-pher-it Workshop, announces "Make the Link Workshop", an eight week course conducted by e-mail that introduces the beginner to the World Wide Web and enhances the skills of the more experienced user. "Make the Link" will focus on how to gain maximum advantage from this simple to use, yet very sophisticated Internet tool. In the workshop, you'll learn about these topics and much more: * How to gain access to the WWW (and set up SLIP/PPP accounts) * Navigating the Web with search tools like Lycos & WebCrawler * Designing a home page with HTML and installing it on the Web * Publicizing your home page through USENET, mailing lists, etc. Make the Link Workshop begins on Sep 25 and runs until Nov 19th. The cost of the workshop is $20 US. To get more info on Make the Link Workshop, send e-mail to "". To sign up for the workshop, please send a message to "" with the line "subscribe links2b" in the BODY of the message. ************************* MAKE THE LINK! **************************** The Gopher Jewels Project, brainchild of researcher David Riggins, is is probably the most comprehensive gopher site on the Internet, even though it has been dormant since late 1994. Gopher Jewels was an attempt to catalog the best features found on sites around the world. It offers solutions to navigating information by subject as an experiment in the evolution of information cataloging. The focus at G-J is on locating information by subject and does not attempt to address the quality of the information that is pointed to. Gopher Jewels offers the following: - Over 2,000 pointers to information by category - Search of all menus in Gopher Jewels - Gopher Tips help documents THE MOTHER SITE --------------- Let's pop in and see what we can find. Point your gopher to the address "", and we'll be almost there. If you're a unix geek, most likely the command "gopher" will get you started. Once you reach the University of Southern California gopher site, select "Other_Gophers_and_Information_Resources", and then "Gopher_Jewels" to complete the first part of our journey. Webheads: Point, click, shout or whatever floats your boat, but get thee to the URL "gopher://", and make the same selections as above. CONTENTS OF GOPHER JEWELS ------------------------- OK, We're in... Let's have a look around and order up a few goodies from the main menu. Gopher-Jewels --> 1. GOPHER JEWELS Information and Help/ 2. Community, Global and Environmental/ 3. Education, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities/ 4. Economics, Business and Store Fronts/ 5. Engineering and Industrial Applications/ 6. Government/ 7. Health, Medical, and Disability/ 8. Internet and Computer Related Resources/ 9. Law/ 10. Library, Reference, and News/ 11. Miscellaneous Items/ 12. Natural Sciences including Mathematics/ 13. Personal Development and Recreation/ 14. Research, Technology Transfer and Grants Opportunities/ 15. Search Gopher Jewels Menus by Key Word(s) > If you're new to gopher, then by all means check out the "Gopher Tips and Help" information found under: --> 1. GOPHER JEWELS Information and Help/ If you're the type that "don't need no stinkin' help files", then you can probably hack your way around using the arrow keys. SOME DAYS YOU STEP IN IT... --------------------------- And some days you don't. I took a little jaunt around the joint and then checked my sneakers... They were clean. So I recommend a thorough mining expedition of this site, but first let me point out a few items to give you a flavor for what you might find out there. (Excuse me... You in the back of the bus... please don't fool with the emergency door. This won't take but a minute!) --> 3. Education, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities/ I picked "Arts & Humanities", made my way to the "Center For Safety in the Arts" and found out that eating "48 Non-Toxic I'm a Toys "R" Us Kid! Crayons" would supply me with significantly more than the recommended daily allowance of lead. Under "Education", the "ERIC Services / AskERIC" menu brought me to an article on "Using M&M cookies to work math problems". Sheesh, I hope you can eat these... --> 4. Economics, Business & Storefronts/ Next I tried "Products & Services - Storefronts" and found The Internet Mall. Wow. Over 2000 Net-based cybermerchants hawking their wares. --> 6. Government/ Here I found "Federal Agency & Related Sites" so the FBI Gopher was a natural choice. The selection "UNABOM Case" brought me to a sketch of the UNABOM suspect. Remind me to ditch those dark shades... --> 8. Internet and Computer Related Resources/ In the "Internet Cyberspace Related" category, I found "Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides". I wonder if Ed McMahon is hanging out around there. --> 11. Miscellaneous Items/ Don't miss the American Heart Association's recipe listings! I'm gonna try that "Chicken with Spanish Sauce" thingie tomorrow. --> 13. Personal Development and Recreation/ I didn't see any Neanderthals pumpimg iron here, but under "Fun Stuff & Multimedia" you can find Games, Humor, Music, and other ummm, stuff. --> 15. Search Gopher Jewels Menus by Key Word(s) > Hey, why not check on the weather while we're here? By cleverly using the search term "weather", I found the University of Illinois Weather Machine, and was able to determine the following: IT'LL BE CLEAR THROUGH 400 AM IN EASTERN NEW YORK AND WESTERN NEW ENGLAND. TEMPERATURES WILL DIP DOWN INTO THE 55 TO 65 DEGREE RANGE WITH LIGHT AND VARIABLE WINDS. G-J MIRROR SITES ---------------- Pick the G-J site nearest you, it should make your spelunking a bit snappier... Australia Path=Other/sources/Gopher_Jewels URL: gopher:// Great Britain Path=remote/other-gopher/Gopher_Jewels URL: gopher:// Israel Path=Other_gophers/Gopher_Jewels URL: gopher:// Turkey Path=Gopher_Jewels URL: gopher:// World Wide Web Version EINet Galaxy integrates Gopher Jewels into its expanded directory capability. Galaxy's Gopher Jewels are searchable and in most cases the underlying documents on the Gopher's are themselves searchable. If you want to go directly to the Galaxy's Jewels portion use: (searchable form) (traditional structure) COMING SOON ----------- A TourBus scoop! Patrick will take us on a tour of the (gasp) new and improved beta-test Yahoo site. Sit tight... ====================================================================== SUBSCRIBE : Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM unSUBSCRIBE: Send UNSUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Web Site : (stop in for back issues and the logo contest) Advertising: E-mail w/ Subject: SEND TBRATES ====================================================================== TOURBUS - (c) Copyright 1995, Patrick Crispen and Bob Rankin All rights reserved. Redistribution is allowed only with permission.