Date: Wed, 09 Aug 95 21:33:39 CDT From: Patrick Douglas CrispenSubject: TOURBUS 8/10 -- ALICE'S RESTAURANT To: --------------------- TOURBUS - 10 Aug 1995 --------------------- /~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~/~~~|~\ |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____/ | \ | /_____|---\ / --T-H-E---I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T---T-O-U-R-B-U-S--> ///////| | | |///////| | ~~~/~~~\~/~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~\~~~~ \___/ \___/ "Why Surf When U Can Ride The Bus?" \___/ TODAY'S STOP: ALICE'S RESTAURANT "What a long, strange trip its been." -- Gerry Garcia (1942 - 1995) I've been asked recently if it would be possible for me to create an abridged version of TOURBUS for people who don't have a whole bunch of time. Always wanting to please ... TODAY'S ABDRIDGED VERSION: Check out Its neat :) TODAY'S UNABRIDGED "INNA GADA DAVIDA" DRUM SOLO VERSION: My dad, the Reverend Bob "Bob" Crispen, has been begging me for months to check out the Green Eggs report at Alice's Restaurant. Of course, since he is my father, I did what any God-fearing child would do: I ignored him :) Actually, ignoring my dad on this one turned out to be one of the biggest mistakes I have made in a long time. If you can overlook the silly name (and the obligatory Dr. Seuss jokes), the Green Eggs Report at Alice's Restaurant is one heck of a neat Internet resource. The Green Eggs Report homepage is at This is a World Wide Web address, so you'll need either a Web browser (like Netscape, Mosaic, or Lynx) or a copy of Dr. Bob's "Accessing the Internet by E-mail" to access this homepage (you can retrieve Dr. Bob's little tome by sending an e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU which says GET NEWUSER PACKAGE F=MAIL in the body of your e-mail letter). What makes the Green Eggs Report at Alice's Restaurant so cool? Well, Alice has a special database system that browses through every Usenet newsgroup looking for posts containing a URL. What is a URL (and no, this is not today's Southern word of the day)? An URL is a Uniform (or Universal) Resource Locator. URLs list the exact location of any Internet resource. (If you want to learn a little more about URLs, check out Roadmap workshop lesson 23 -- you can get it sent to you by e-mail by sending an e-mail letter to LISTSERV@UA1VM.UA.EDU which says GET MAP23 LESSON F=MAIL in the body of your e-mail letter). Some sample URLs would include: gopher:// Anyway, Alice has this database that scours Usenet looking for URLs. If the database finds a URL mentioned in a Usenet posting, it collects that URL and places a link to that URL on the Green Eggs Report homepage. The Green Eggs Report even breaks (no pun intended) the URLs up based on what newsgroup the URL was originally mentioned on. This means that you can go to the Green Eggs Report homepage, click on the name of *ANY* Usenet newsgroup that Interests you (from to, and see a hypertext index of every URL that has been recently posted on that newsgroup! When Alice's little database is running at full force, over 1500 new URLs are added to the Green Eggs Report each and every day (although I suspect that either Alice or her little database is enjoying a hard earned vacation -- the Green Eggs Report is not quite as fresh as it could be). Eat up, y'all!! TODAY'S SOUTHERN WORD OF THE DAY -------------------------------- Ranch - noun. A tool. Usage: "I think I left my ranch in the back of that pickup truck my brother from Jawjuh bard a few munts ago." (\__/) .~ ~. )) /O O ./ .' PATRICK DOUGLAS CRISPEN {O__, \ { PCRISPE1@UA1VM.UA.EDU / . . ) \ THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA |-| '-' \ } )) HTTP://UA1VM.UA.EDU/~CRISPEN/CRISPEN.HTML .( _( )_.' '---.~_ _ _& Warning: squirrels. ====================================================================== SUBSCRIBE : Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM unSUBSCRIBE: Send UNSUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Web Site : (stop in for back issues and the logo contest) Advertising: E-mail w/ Subject: SEND TBRATES ====================================================================== TOURBUS - (c) Copyright 1995, Patrick Crispen and Bob Rankin All rights reserved. Redistribution is allowed only with permission.
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