Date: Mon, 21 Aug 95 21:56:31 CDT From: Patrick Douglas CrispenSubject: TOURBUS 8/22 -- NANDO To: /~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~|~~~~~/~~~|~\ |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____/ | \ | /_____|---\ / --T-H-E---I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T---T-O-U-R-B-U-S--> ///////| | | |///////| | ~~~/~~~\~/~~~\~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~~\~~~~ \___/ \___/ "Why Surf When U Can Ride The Bus?" \___/ TODAY'S SITE: NANDO TODAY'S ADDRESSES: A lot of the journalists who read TOURBUS might not appreciate my saying this, but thanks to the Internet in general, and to NandO in specific, I haven't had a need to buy or read a "real" newspaper in about a year. The Raleigh (North Carolina) News and Observer is one of the most respected newspapers in the South. Their staff has won numerous Pulitzer prizes, and the News and Observer's stories are often picked up by the major wire services. A little while back, the News and Observer decided to set up shop on the Internet. In particular, the News and Observer wanted to create an on-line news service on the World Wide Web called "NandO" (get it? News and Observer ... N and O ... NandO). Let's just say that they succeeded beyond anyone's wildest imagination. In my humble opinion, NandO is the absolute best spot on the Net for the latest news and information because: 1. NandO is not abridged ... it is a *complete* on-line newspaper, 2. NandO not only carries stories from the News and Observer staff, but it also carries stories from the Associated Press wire, and 3. Nando is *FREE* NandO's address is: You would be a complete fool (or an NCAA official) if you did not add this URL to your hot list :) Before you get too involved in NandO, however, you'll probably want to set up an account and password with NandO by visiting (you will need a forms-capable web browser to do this). The account is absolutely fee, and it will allow you to read *all* of the articles contained in NandO (some of the wire service providers are concerned about copyright, so they require NandO to have some sort of authentication routine for the wire service's articles). Anyway, back to the NandO homepage ( NandO lists four main sections across the top of its page: World, Nation, Sports, and Politics. If you scroll down a little, you'll see that NandO also has six other sections as well: Business, Info Tech (information technology), Entertainment, Voices, Something Else, and the Sports Server. Let's click on the "World" icon at the top of the page and see what happens. Each NandO section is set up in pretty much the same way. To the right of the NandO section logo are a couple of pictures. These pictures are from the AP wire, and you can view them (and read the accompanying AP article) by clicking on the picture (provided you have set up a NandO account (see above)). Right below the NandO section logo is a bar that has links to all of the other sections in NandO. Below that is the Top Story (including the first couple sentences from that story), followed by the News Summary (which are one sentence summaries of the day's major news stories). Below the News Summary are the Headlines. Usually, the Headlines section just includes links to the complete articles mentioned in the News Summary section, but this is not always the case (I usually just risk it and skip past the News Summary section altogether and read the Headlines section instead). At the bottom are the Briefs. CHECK THESE OUT. Usually, the briefs section contains 10 or 15 stories that you can not find anywhere else. Below the Briefs is another bar that will link you to the other parts of NandO. Each major section of NandO (World, National, Sports, Politics, Business and Info Tech) has the same set up: Top Story, News Summary, Headlines, and Briefs. Entertainment and Voices are set up a little differently. Also, two sections of NandO -- Something Else and the Sports Server -- can only be reached from the NandO homepage. The Something Else section is devoted to news stories that just don't fit anywhere Else (e.g. a story about how the attorneys in the OJ trial debated the use of the Yiddish word for "crazy" (there's a word in Yiddish for the OJ Simpson trial?)). The Sports Server is pretty self-explanatory. So, that's today's stop. If you have a Web browser, point it and use the 50 cents a day that you spend on USA Today for a Coke :) TODAY'S SOUTHERN WORD OF THE DAY -------------------------------- FAR - noun. A conflagration. Usage: "If my brother from Jawjuh doesn't change the all in my pickup truck, that things gonna catch far." ******************** The WorldWideWeb Handbook ********************** For a good book on how to write your own Web files, see "The WorldWideWeb Handbook" (ITCP ISBN 1-85032-205-8) Details on the Web at *********************************************************************** ====================================================================== SUBSCRIBE : Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM unSUBSCRIBE: Send UNSUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Web Site : (stop in for back issues and the logo contest) Advertising: E-mail w/ Subject: SEND TBRATES ====================================================================== TOURBUS - (c) Copyright 1995, Patrick Crispen and Bob Rankin All rights reserved. Redistribution is allowed only with permission.