Date: Tue, 05 Sep 1995 02:25:48 -0400 (EDT)
From: Doctor Bob
Subject: Internet Power Tools
TOURBUS - 05 Sep 1995
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\___/ \___/ "Why Surf When U Can Ride The Bus?" \___/
Today's Stop: Power Tools For The Internet - Part I
Welcome back! We've got almost 14,000 TOURBUS riders now from every
corner of the known universe (they don't call it cyberSPACE for no
reason), and we're hoping that the problems with duplicate and missing
posts is ancient history. Here's a quick word from a TOURBUS sponsor
that should be of special interest to our overseas audience...
SAVE 30% - 80% on your International Telephone/Fax Calls !!!
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In my column for Boardwatch Magazine a few months back, I wrote about
Internet search tools and techniques. And since it's back to school
time, I thought this would be a good time to share some tutorial
stuff with the TOURBUS crowd.
So this week the 'Bus is stopping at some sites to help you find the
people, places and things you're searching for in cyberspace. And
you're stuck with me at the wheel all week, because Patrick is taking
time off to celebrate his birthday on Thursday!
The Internet and Your Basement
The Internet is a lot like your basement. There's a lot of good stuff
down there, but it's such a cluttered mess you can't find anything.
However there are two key factors that make the Internet more appealing
than your basement. First off, you never have to clean the Internet on
a Saturday. And secondly, there are lots of nifty tools available to
help you find what you're looking for on the Net.
So let's delve into Archie, Veronica and WAIS. Let's check out Netfind,
Whois and Four11. Let's explore the Web with Lycos & WebCrawler and
then get plugged into some cool databases that will find it if it's out
there. These are the power tools of the Net Literate.
Archie - The File Finder
If you could visit every anonymous FTP site on the Internet, capture the
names of the files stored there and then slam it all together into a huge
searchable catalog, you'd have Archie - almost.
If you're looking for a program, image or other file, you'll fare best if
you know the exact filename. But even if you can only guess at a few
characters of the name, there's still hope. Let's say we're looking to
secure the old enterprise with PGP software. The syntax for the archie
"substring search" command would be:
archie -s pgp
This will find "pgp" anywhere in the filename. The archie output (see
figure 1) tells you the file's site, directory and name so you can use
FTP to pop off and retrieve it.
| Host |
| |
| Location: /systems/ibmpc/garbo/crypt |
| FILE -r--r--r-- 209679 Mar 6 1993 |
| FILE -r--r--r-- 62885 Oct 9 1993 |
| FILE -r--r--r-- 65430 Aug 3 1993 |