Date: Tue, 12 Mar 1996 02:10:04 -0500
From: Bob Rankin 
To: Multiple recipients of list TOURBUS 
Subject: TOURBUS - 12 March 1996 - Bit O' Blarney

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Today's TOURBUS Site:    Simply Saint Patrick's
Today's TOURBUS Address:

Wow!  TOURBUS is now making the rounds to 104 countries around the
globe twice each week.  Kinda puts poor Santa to shame, don't it?  :-)

Speaking of countries, we're going to visit Ireland today and get the
real story behind Saint Patrick, Leprechauns and Potato Beer.  Rock
Island Technologies has another great holiday website (see the address
above) and this one is chock full o' blarney.

Saint Patrick was born in what is now called Britain and kidnapped as
a teenager by Irish raiders.  After spending six years in slavery, he
escaped and returned home.  Soon after, Patrick received a divine call
in a dream to return to Ireland as a Christian missionary, where he spent
the rest of his life converting the Irish to Christianity.

But Pat must've developed a taste for Irish brew somewhere along the way
because the Emerald Isle is just as well known for it's Stout drinkers
as it is for it stout adherents to Catholicism.  Oh yeah, Stout...

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The Simply Saint Patrick's site is full of interesting info about Irish
culture, travel and links to many related sites.

You can find out how to make Potato Beer, get the scoop on Leprechauns,
pick up some fun Irish facts, even sing some Irish folks tunes.

   I've been a wild Rover for many a year,
   And I've spent all my money on whiskey and beer.
   But now I'm returning with gold in great store.
   And I never will play the wild rover no more.

   And it's no, nay, never, no nay never more,
   Will I play the wild Rover, no never no more!

The "Paint the Town Green" section has a big list of St. Patrick's Day
events in various U.S. cities, and you can find help planning your trip
to Ireland in the "Visit the Emerald Isle" area.  I found a really cool
map of Ireland there.

Before you leave, make sure to visit the big list of Saint Patrick's
Sites where you'll find the Irish Word of the Day and learn how to
send St. Patrick's Day greeting cards via the Web.

Okay, I admit it... I'm Scottish.  But you'll have to grant me Honorary
Irishman status for just this one day.  St. Patty's Day is my birthday
after all!

Elvis the mailbot can't sing any Irish tunes, but he sure can tell you
how hundreds of TOURBUS riders are saving money on magazines...

*----------------->  BIG-TIME MAGAZINES FOR $10 A YEAR?  <-------------*
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*------------------------>  <-------------------*

Have fun, and be green!  -Bob

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     TOURBUS - (c) Copyright 1996, Patrick Crispen and Bob Rankin
 All rights reserved.  Redistribution is allowed only with permission.
     Send this copy to 3 friends and tell them to get on the Bus!

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