TOURBUS: Thursday, November 14, 1996
DRIVER: Patrick Crispin

Hi, kids! (This is Patrick, but I've asked Bob to post today's message.)

As promised, today's TOURBUS is going to discuss a topic that everyone has probably heard a great deal about but which few of us really understand: Cookies. [Personally, I always thought that Cookies were things that you dunked into milk, but I digress.]

Fortunately, thanks to the help of guest bus driver Cynthia Kurkowski, a pretty well-known computer journalist (and a fellow bus rider), today's TOURBUS post is going to tell you EVERYTHING that you will ever need to know about Cookies.

Before we get to Cynthia's article, though, I want to take a second to thank the folks who are making today's post of our little bus of Internet happiness possible:

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by Cynthia Kurkowski , ComputerJournalist@Large (Reprinted with permission from WEBster, the cyberspace surfer ezine at

HTTP Cookies has caused much commotion and controversy both on and off the World Wide Web. Known primarily for their use in Netscape Navigator, HTTP Cookies (or MagicCookies as they are formally called) allow Web servers to recognize a user's browser to facilitate the session-to-session connection required for WWW surfing. So why all the fuss about Cookies?

"Cookies represents a coming effort by organizations to monitor people's interest in their products and services through the covert gathering of personal data without their knowledge and consent," said Privacy Times Editor Evan Hendricks.


Most users cringe at the thought of a business "secretly" requesting information from their desktops without their knowledge or consent. Such tactics come too close to the Big Brother is Watching campaign described in George Orwell's best-selling novel, 1984.

Cookies track users' Web page requests, and therefore, record the users' surfing on a given site. One could say it is the equivalent of a department store camera following you around as you shop; it gives you the creeps and sometimes you just want to turn it off. But now with Cookies the camera is in your home, and that's why folks react the way they do to Cookies. They want to turn off the camera by controlling Cookies.

Cookies also disturb users because the method extends for collecting customer information beyond the social conventions. For example, people would likely find it normal for an auto repair shop to track and keep maintenance records through the use of your car license plate number. Yet, those same people likely would feel very different were a food store record the license plate number every time they visited that store.

Initially designed to store a user's unique ID and clicking activities, the Cookies file is now used for much more. Although limited in size, the Cookies file can hold just about anything the Web administrator wants to store about the user -- a unique user number, user browsing preferences, demographics. However, Cookies cannot track the same information that is logged by Web servers and Web auditors.

Cookies only track individual transactions, and can only surmise about any specific interrelations. Further, with the use of dynamic IP addresses (or proxy servers) Cookies may know only that a customer of a certain service provider (or company or college or online service) visited their site.

Sites can only discover more if the user configured the browser to provide such information (i.e. email address). But for the most part, Cookies store information about an individual's transactions on a particular site, or your personal information if you register at their site.

"It's an amazing technology. The way the technology is used in practice is not harmful, but there should be a standards, a code of conduct [for the use of the stored user information]," said Lawrence C. Stewart, chief technology officer of Open Market and author of a white paper on Cookies.


Most people have heard about the use of HTTP Cookies in Netscape Navigator. But other browsers including Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer, Netcom On-line Communications Services Inc.'s Netcruiser and Quarterdeck Corp.'s Quarterdeck Mosaic 2.0 employ Cookies as well.

Cookies were created out of the need to enable session-to-session communications by automatically recognizing a particular browser when it returns to a site after an extended interval. By storing an assigned user ID number, Cookies can connect (associate) one hit to another even after the browser has exited and restarted.

Cookies also enable a Web site to commence WWW service upon the user's return from a "visit" to that Web site's service area (i.e. help screen). On the Web, every page is independent of another so the use of Cookies helps the site server figure out who you are from page to page. In this way, the Web site authenticates the user by identifying the browser.


"Technology like Cookies help users gain the advantages of personalized services," said Stewart. "You can't have valuable online services without personalization ."

Personalization on the Internet equals user authentication. How can a site provide that personal touch if they don't know who you are? Web site owners make a valid point with this question. You certainly cannot view your bills and pay them online with your banking service if the site cannot verify you are who you say you are.

It is through the use of Cookies that Netscape can offer its users a Personal Workspace and Microsoft can feature a customizable "Start" page. Both Netscape and Microsoft use the Cookie file to write the users' preferences so that their respective Web sites can build a personalized environment for users seamlessly and transparently without users having to log in with passwords or ID's.

Personalized service through the use of Cookies is rapidly spreading. The most common of which is the virtual shopping cart, or shopping list. Shopping cart programs allow users to maintain a shopping list of items they've purchased at an online shopping center, and allow them to resume shopping another day without resubmitting their credit card number.

Harold Driscoll, Internet business consultant and software developer, provides interesting scenarios of the appropriate use and misuse of Cookies. He cites, for example, a tech support site which lets users indicate their product areas of interest. Upon your return, the tech support site could welcome you with a customized list of new bug fixes and upgrades for only those products which interest you.

On the downside, Driscoll cites credit card fraud through the misuse of Cookies. Say a user purchases an urgent order through an office computer with the use of a personal credit card number. If the site stores that information in your cookie file (without your knowledge or permission), and a co-worker copies that file and uses it to charge other things, then the first user is faced with a significant financial dilemma.


Strong privacy advocates urge Net surfers to lose the Cookies' power of data collection by deleting the contents of the file or specifying Read Only. Other privacy advocates argue Cookies' residence on the users' desktops actually increase their privacy by allowing them to control their Cookie files. Users can see it and even modify it. Privacy advocates want to take this notion of user control a step further by allowing users to switch Cookies on or off.

To check your cookie file and see who is profiling you, you must use a text editor. The first string you'll see (i.e."") indicates who issued you the Cookie. It's important to note that the Cookies file is written to when you quit the browser, so remember to quit before you check the file. PC users can delete the Cookies file when your system boots (eg. for PC MS-DOS AUTOEXEC.BAT to include "if exist c:\netscape\cookies.txt erase c:\netscape\cookies.txt".

On the Macintosh, the file is named MagicCookies.

While Netscape probably will not concede to a "switch off" feature, the company has released a more user-friendly version of Netscape Navigator (3.0) that notifies users when a site is requesting their Cookies file, and allows users to accept or refuse the request.

"We need to figure out how to balance the features and requirements that make browsers easy to use and more secure without overwhelming the user," said Chen.

Like it or not, users will have to learn to live with their Cookies files. This spring, Netscape proposed HTTP Cookies as a standard HTTP technology for maintaining persistent client information.

! SPECIAL NOTE FROM BOB: Just a bit of clarification... Cookies can NOT
! access any of your personal data unless you actually enter it on a form
! at a web site. Cookies can NOT get your e-mail address or anything else
! from a browser config file, nor can it rummage through your hard disk.


DITTY (noun).  A male parent.
Usage: "my ditty kin beat up yer ditty."

(Special thanks goes to Charlene Smith for today's wurd.)
, viruses, hoaxes, urban legends, search engines, cookies, cool sites
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