From crispen@INTERNIC.NET Sat Jan 17 00:31:32 1998 Date: Fri, 16 Jan 1998 02:16:08 -0500 From: crispen@INTERNIC.NET Reply-To: TOURBUS-Request@LISTSERV.AOL.COM To: TOURBUS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: TOURBUS -- 15 JANUARY 1998 -- PATRICK'S DAILY WEB TOUR [The following text is in the "iso-8859-1" character set] [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII" character set] [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly] This post contains inline ASCII graphics which look best in a monospace font like Courier. Text-to-speech readers should turn off punctuation now. _________ ____________ ________ __________ _____________ ___ _ / | / | | / | \ | "Why | Surf When / You Can | Ride The | Bus?" / | \ |__________|__________/__________|__________|___________/ | \ / /______|----\ | Visit the TOURBUS Web site to see the Archives, |//////| | | FAQ, and Subscription Information! |//////| | | |//////| | \________________________________________________________|______|____| / \ / \ / \ \___/ \___/ T h e I n t e r n e t T o u r B u s \___/ Today's TOURBUS Stop: Patrick's Daily Web Tour Today's TOURBUS Addresses:,3,1,00.html? Okay, I'll admit it. Today's TOURBUS post is a tad bit self-centered, even for me. But one of the questions that I am asked most often is "what are the Web sites that you visit every day?" Today's TOURBUS post is going to answer that question, and hopefully give you a list of neat sites that you will want to check out yourself. Most people assume that I spend hour after hour surfing the Web every day. In fact, I usually only spend about thirty or forty minutes each day surfing the Web, and I tend to always visit the same nine Web sites: --------------------------------------- ABC News' Science and Technology Page ---------------------------------------- To be completely honest, this page almost always disappoints me. ABC's coverage of science and technology news is spotty at best, and their science and technology page is bloated with so many bells and whistles that it takes FOREVER to load. Still, from time to time, ABC News does post a pretty cool news story on this page that simply cannot be found anywhere else (a good example is the story that they ran a few weeks ago that included a Real Audio track of what scientists think dinosaurs sounded like). So, the ABC News Science and Technology page is usually my first stop every morning. ---------------------------------------- The Associated Press' Cyber Corner ---------------------------------------- As I said a few months ago (TOURBUS, 6 November 1997), Cyber Corner is the Associated Press' daily technology column. It is updated every weekday morning, and is a very quick summary of the latest cyberspace news, Web page announcements, online happenings, and software releases. Because Cyber Corner's "sections" are so brief (usually only a paragraph each), it is one of the best starting points for anyone interested in finding out what is happening in the online world. ------------------- CNET'S ------------------- CNET's was the first online service devoted entirely to technology news (in fact, we first pulled our little bus of Internet happiness into way back on 5 September 1996). The best way to describe is to say that it is the journal of record for the entire digital domain. While I give the AP's Cyber Corner kudos for its brevity, I give kudos for its mind-numbingly in-depth coverage of all of the latest news stories that in any way involve computers, the Internet, and other form of digital technology. I am not kidding when I say that almost all of my knowledge of technology current events comes straight from the articles that I have read at Navigating the main homepage is pretty self-explanatory. The main stories for the day are located at the top of the page (usually accompanied by some pretty snazzy graphics). Below that are the other stories of the day. At the bottom of the page are links to stories at other news organizations on the Net (don't overlook this section - I can't begin to tell you how many neat articles I have found at the bottom of CNET's main homepage). After browsing the main homepage, I almost always hop on over to ----------------------------------------------------------'s The Net page,3,1,00.html? ---------------------------------------------------------- While's main homepage contains articles about all aspects of the digital domain, the articles on The Net page deal solely with the latest Internet-related news and happenings. By the way, like's main homepage, The Net page also has a section at the bottom that has links to stories at other news organization on the Net. Again, don't overlook this section. By the way, you don't really have to type in that long URL above to get to The Net page. Instead, on's main homepage, just click on the words "The Net" on the left-hand side of the page. ------------------------------ Good Morning Silicon Valley ------------------------------ Words cannot describe how much I love Good Morning Silicon Valley. Outside of Dogpile (TOURBUS, 24 July 1997), Good Morning Silicon Valley is probably my favorite service on the Internet (by the way, for those of you who are playing our home game, we last visited Good Morning Silicon Valley in our TOURBUS post of 2 October 1997). Updated four times a day, Good Morning Silicon Valley is the high technology section of the San Jose Mercury News' "Mercury Center." My favorite section of this site is the "Morning" section, which gives you the latest technology stories from around the world. As I said back on 2 October 1997, if you visit CNET's and Good Morning Silicon Valley's Morning section every day, you are pretty much guaranteed to know every technology news story worth knowing. -------------------------- MacInTouch -------------------------- Yes, I'll openly admit it: I am a Mac user (I have a PowerBook 520C that I upgraded a year ago with a 100 MHz PowerPC chip). In fact, with the exception of the first Thanksgiving spam post (which was written on my parent's PC), every single TOURBUS post I have ever written was written on a Mac. :) Unfortunately, finding accurate, balanced news about the Mac is darned near impossible. The mainstream media only seems to be able to report that Apple is dead, and Guy Kawasaki's Macintosh EvangeList only seems to be able to report that Apple's opponents are heathens who need to be hated and destroyed. Fortunately, the MacInTouch home page is a really good source of unbiased (and bluntly honest) Mac news. The page is updated several times a day, so it not too uncommon for me to stop by this page once in the morning and again in the late afternoon. -------------------------- Wired News and ZDNN -------------------------- What can I say? I like technology news. I usually visit Wired News and ZDNN every day, but only to find out stuff that I didn't see at any of the other Web sites that I visit. Actually, I have a feeling that ZDNN will probably be moving up in my booklist file pretty soon (I'm even thinking of making it a full-fledged TOURBUS stop in a week or two). A couple of days ago, when CNET's was reporting the breaking news that the judge had turned down Microsoft's request that Lawrence Lessig be removed from Microsoft's contempt hearing, ZDNN's coverage included direct quotes from the judge. Score one for ZDNN. -------------------- My Yahoo! -------------------- My last stop every morning is My Yahoo! (TOURBUS, 11 July 1996). My Yahoo! is a completely free and customizable news service from the nice folks at Yahoo! (Besides, after reading all of that technology news, it is nice to take a break and read some hard news from around the world). That's it for this week. As you can see, I am a news junkie. But, I hope that today's TOURBUS post gives you a better idea of where I go every day to find out what is happening in the online world. Have a safe and happy weekend (and if you are a TOURBUS Plus! subscriber, be looking for another post from me this weekend!). Today's TOURBUS Stop: Patrick's Daily Tour of the Web Today's TOURBUS Addresses:,3,1,00.html? -------------------------------- TODAY'S SOUTHERN WORD OF THE DAY -------------------------------- IN-TAR (Adjective). The whole quantity. Usage: "The after Christmas sale applies to our in-tar inventory." (Special thanks to Talbert Malone for today's wurd) YOU CAN FIND ALL OF THE OLD SOUTHERN WORDS OF THE DAY ON THE SOUTHERN WORD HOMEPAGE AT =--------------------------------------------------------------------= For info on my book "Atlas for the Information Superhighway" Visit --------------------------------------------------------------------- =====================[ TOURBUS Rider Information ]=================== The Internet TOURBUS - U.S. Library of Congress ISSN #1094-2238 Copyright 1995-98, Rankin & Crispen - All rights reserved Archives on the Web at Join: Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Leave: Send SIGNOFF TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM PROMOTE your business on the Internet TOURBUS. Reach over 80,000 people in a Net-friendly way. Our sponsors say "It works!" Make it work for you - contact for details. Editors: Reprint TOURBUS in your publication for free - Ask me how. Send this copy to 3 friends and tell them to hop on the Bus! ===================================================================== .~~~. )) (\__/) .' ) )) Patrick Douglas Crispen /o o \/ .~ {o_, \ { / , , ) \ `~ '-' \ } )) _( ( )_.' Warning: squirrels. '---..{____}