From: Bob RankinTo: TOURBUS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: TOURBUS - 28 July 1998 - BEST OF TOURBUS - ASCII Art [ Please switch to a monospace font to enjoy this issue! ] _________ ____________ ________ __________ _____________ ___ _ / | / | | / | \ | HEY, | RIDE THE / BUS AND | SURF FOR | FREE! / | \ |__________|__________/__________|__________|___________/ | \ / /______|----\ | SURFREE.COM (surf-free-dot-com) n. 1. A Nationwide |//////| | | Provider of unlimited Net access for $14.95 / month. |//////| | | 2. An opportunity for AOL users to save $84 annually. |//////| | | 3. A fast, reliable means of riding Tourbus & surfing |//////| | | the Web. See also: EASY, 56K access, 24/7 tech support |//////| | | >>> <<< |//////| | \________________________________________________________|______|____| / \ / \ / \ \___/ \___/ T h e I n t e r n e t T o u r B u s \___/ TODAY'S TOURBUS TOPIC: BEST OF TOURBUS #10 - ASCII Art I like the idea of delivering high tech stuff in a low tech medium. So that's why I've selected this Tourbus post from last October and updated it with a bunch of new information. It's one of my all-time favorites! Please enjoy, and be sure to visit today's sponsors. +------------------ FREE Virtual Greeting Cards ---------------------+ Over 600 exciting Cards! They sing! They Dance! All occasions. See all four panels of your card. Opens just like a real greeting card. Beautiful animations.. 100%, absolutely FREE! Send a card now! +----------------- -------------------+ +---------------------- POOR RICHARD'S WEB SITE ---------------------+ Get Geek-Free, Commonsense Advice on Building a Low-Cost Web Site in a book by best-selling author Peter Kent. For sample chapters, Table of Contents, almost 800 useful links for people setting up Web sites, and examples of free and low-cost Web-site utilities +---------------------CLICK HERE---> <----+ This is a fantastic book, by the way. Chock full of excellent info that'll save you time, money and frustration! Lots of free info at the website, and the book is an excellent reference for any webmaster. BACK IN THE DAYS OF OLD... -------------------------- Long before the advent of the Web and all of its glittering graphics, people were creating computer graphics of a different sort that required no special hardware or software to view. This "ASCII art" can be sent by e-mail without encoding or attachments because it's composed only of plain text characters. ASCII art is a unique form of expression ranging from the simple to the very complex. Using only the characters on your keyboard and some creativity, you can create images that are cute, funny or intricately beautiful. One caveat - you must use a MONOSPACE FONT such as Courier in order to view ASCII artwork. If your e-mail program doesn't allow you to change the font, save this message as file and view it with a word processor that allows you to set the font. (The term ASCII refers to a standard set of characters that are supposed to display the same on any computer.) SMILIES ------- Smilies, sometimes called emoticons, are the most basic form of ASCII art. Smilies are textual representations of emotions that people commonly use in their e-mail. They^Òre one way to express emotion in the otherwise emotionless world of e-mail. When you see a bunch of dashes, parentheses, and other punctuation marks that don^Òt seem to make sense, try turning your head sideways. Smileys like the ones in the list below, are great ways to overcome the impersonal nature of the electronic medium. :-) Smile ;-) Wink :-( Frown These are the most common smilies, but there are dozens more. You can find a large collection on the web at or get Don Z'Boray's Unofficial Smiley FAQ by sending e-mail to SMILEYS@Newbie.NET. COWS AND OTHER STUFF -------------------- One favorite subject of the ASCII artists is animals. Many people use them in e-mail or Usenet signature files just for fun. The eagle and the cat below are classic examples. .---. .---------- / \ __ / ------ / / \( )/ ----- ////// ' \/ ` --- //// / // : : --- // / / /` '-- // //..\\ ====UU====UU==== '//||\\` ''`` ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (il),-'' (li),' ((!.-' There are also quite a few people who enjoy portraying cows ala keyboard. I've seen some hilarious ASCII cows, like these floating around in cyberspace. (__) (oo) When cows laugh really hard, /-------\/ does milk come out their nose? / | || * ||w---|| ^^ ^^ (__) (oo) Mathematical Cow /---------\/ (Developer of cow-culus) / | x=a(b)|| * ||------|| ~~ ~~ If you need a good chuckle, visit David Bader's COMPLETE GUIDE TO COWS, which is a large collection of ASCII cows on the web at FIGLETS ------- A figlet is a way to make large letters out of ordinary text. A program called FIGLET can use a variety of special effects to create text | (_) | _____ | |_| |__ (_)___ | | | |/ / _ \ | __| '_ \| / __| | | | < __/ | |_| | | | \__ \ |_|_|_|\_\___| \__|_| |_|_|___/ _ _ _ _ _ _ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ( o | r ) ( t | h | i | s ) \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ You can learn all about figlets and create your own by visiting E-mail users can send a message to Michel.Eftimakis@vlsi.COM with "Figlet: Help" in the Subject line (leave off the quotes). This is an automated service, but if you don't put the command exactly as shown in the Subject line of your note, it will drop into Michel's private mailbox and will probably get deleted. ADVANCED ASCII ARTWORK ---------------------- . .' :`...' `.,' ' `. ' .**. ; ; ': ` ``:`****,' .' : ..::. ``**":.'' `. The examples so far have .: `: ; `,' : been pretty basic, but there `: ` : ; are ASCII artists who produce : : : ; some pretty amazing images. : : : .: : : :..,' ``::. `....:..' ..:;'' .: . ...:::: This rose is just one example ,'''''``::::::: of the work you can sample `:::: at the Signature Museum. `::. `:: . ,. ::::' ,.. .'.' ``. :: .'.. `. ' .: :: ,'.' . .' ,' .:::::: ,.' .:::. .' .' ..:' ::: ., .;' ~ ,;::;.::'' ::.:..::' ~ ::;' :: The ASCII Art section there ,::: has pages devoted to ::. Animals, Christmas, Easter, :: Flora, Love. Misc, Music :: and People. Find it at :: BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE ----------------------- If you thought those were kind of nifty, you will be amazed at the ASCII images you can find at the address below. Many of them are in COLOR and incredibly detailed. Here's a sampling of what you'll find: * Disney and Warner Brothers Cartoons - Don't miss the colorized Lion King pictures * Comic Strips - Archie, The Jetsons, and Superman are great! * College Mascots and Logos - Over 40 schools, even the Crimson Tide is there. * Famous Paintings - Wow. See The Birth of Venus, Mona Lisa, and Starry Night ROLL YOUR OWN -------------- Wanna learn more about ASCII art? Visit Allen Mullen's ASCII Art Information page at You'll find info on the various styles of ASCII art, how to create your own, and links to some other fun ASCII art pages. Have a little fun with ASCII art. It's a wonderfully rich, low-tech, and very accessible medium to express yourself! / _\ ___ ___ /\_/\___ _ _ / / __ _| |_ ___ _ __ / \ \ \ / _ \/ _ \ \_ _/ _ \| | | | / / / _` | __/ _ \ '__// / _\ \ __/ __/ / \ (_) | |_| | / /__| (_| | || __/ | /\_/ \__/\___|\___| \_/\___/ \__,_| \____/\__,_|\__\___|_| \/ --Bob =====================[ TOURBUS Rider Information ]=================== The Internet Tourbus - U.S. Library of Congress ISSN #1094-2238 Copyright 1995-98, Rankin & Crispen - All rights reserved Archives on the Web at Join: Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Leave: Send SIGNOFF TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Send this copy to 3 friends and tell them to hop on the Bus! =====================================================================
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