Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 03:34:09 -0400 From: Bob RankinReply-To: TOURBUS-Request@LISTSERV.AOL.COM To: TOURBUS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: TOURBUS - 11 Aug 1998 - Talkway ___________ ____________ _______ __________ _____________ ___ _ / | / | | / | \ | HEY, | RIDE THE / BUS AND | SURF FOR | FREE! / | \ |____________|_________/__________|__________|___________/ | \ / /______|----\ | SURFREE.COM (surf-free-dot-com) n. 1. A Nationwide |//////| | | Provider of unlimited Net access for $14.95 / month. |//////| | | 2. An opportunity for AOL users to save $84 annually. |//////| | | 3. A fast, reliable means of riding Tourbus & surfing |//////| | | the Web. See also: EASY, 56K access, 24/7 tech support |//////| | | >>> <<< |//////| | \________________________________________________________|______|____| / \ / \ / \ \___/ \___/ T h e I n t e r n e t T o u r B u s \___/ TODAY'S TOURBUS STOP: TALKWAY TODAY'S TOURBUS SITE: I've talked several times in Tourbus about Usenet - a collection of many thousands of discussion forums on just about any topic you can imagine. Because the problem of spam has gotten so bad, and because so many new users have flooded the Net in recent years, Usenet has suffered. Aside from the fact that it's hard for new users to gain proficiency in using Usenet, there's a lot of garbage out there. So I've not had too many kind words to say about Usenet and the quality of the discussions that can be found. But perhaps I've been too harsh. Read on to find out why I've had a change of heart concerning Usenet. But first, check out the nifty (FREE) stuff offered by today's TOURBUS sponsors! +---------------- COOL: Caves Taller Than Skyscrapers -----------------+ ... How sharks see in the dark, water jets that cut through steel. We show you a new perspective on the world... every day! The Learning Kingdom's Cool Fact of the Day starts at - OR Sign up for a FREE email subscription at +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ +-------------------- FREE Virtual Greeting Cards ----------------------+ Over 600 exciting Cards! They sing! They Dance! All occasions. See all four panels of your card. Opens just like a real greeting card. Beautiful animations.. 100%, absolutely FREE! Send a card now! +------------------> <------------------+ TALKWAY - NEW HOPE FOR USENET ----------------------------- Usenet is arguably the biggest online community, with ongoing discussions on everything from aliens to zoology, but it was designed by geeks for geeks. But spammers and clueless newbies have rendered many once-valuable newsgroups totally useless. It's hard to understand, hard to use, and hard to find relevant discussions. There are "newsreader" programs you can download and install on your computer to make things a little easier, but I've always wished for an all-singing, all-dancing web-based interface to Usenet. POOF... It's here! Talkway is just that - a new graphical interface to Usenet that makes everything easier. You can find discussion groups, read messages and post your own opus with point & click ease. Check it out at: Talkwway - Here's what you'll find: - A cool graphic interface with filtering capabilities that will help you find discussion groups that are relevant to your interests. - The ability to access Usenet in the same way from home, office, or on the road. No software to download or install. - A comprehensive Usenet (NNTP) feed accessible from the web! No more haggling with your ISP about carrying specific newsgroups. - A bookmarking system that's easy to use. - A navigation & search tool that provides all topics, subtopics and discussion groups in both plain English and the traditional Usenet naming conventions. This last item is the key feature that makes Talkway so cool. As soon as you sign on to Talkway, you see a list of topics, such as Business, Classifieds, Computers, Culture, Education, etc. Click on a topic, and you get a list of sub-topics, with a list of discussion groups for each. The people at Talkway have painstakingly categorized thousands of Usenet newsgroups, and even translated the arcane Usenet newsgroup names into plain English names anyone can understand. For example, "" becomes simply "Science Fiction Television". If you prefer the Usenet-style names, you can toggle them on and off. Clicking on the name of a discussion group displays a list of recent postings, which you can read by clicking on a Subject line. Postings are threaded, which means those with the same Subject line are kept together, making at-a-glance navigation quick and easy. It's easy to reply, save or print a message using the on-screen icons. To add a discussion to your bookmark list, click with the right mouse button. The Talkway service is FREE and will remain so. Give it a try - you may decide Usenet is worth another look too. PATRICK ON THE AIR ------------------ Patrick asked me to announce that he'll be on WGN Radio this Wednesday at 11:20 PM CST, participating in a lively debate about the usefulness of computers in the classroom. Tune in to AM 720 if you can pick it up, or catch the RealAudio simulcast on . HOP ON THE PLUS BUS, GUS ------------------------ Lots of people are telling us how much they enjoy both TOURBUS and the special weekend TOURBUS PLUS edition! In recent postings, PLUS readers learned about Medical Info Online, Search Engine Tips, Hilarious "Motivational" Posters, FBI Files, and a new website that may soon render Yahoo obsolete. To learn more about TOURBUS PLUS, and the $1000 MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER giveaway, CLICK HERE - See you next time! --Bob Rankin =====================[ TOURBUS Rider Information ]=================== The Internet Tourbus - U.S. Library of Congress ISSN #1094-2238 Copyright 1995-98, Rankin & Crispen - All rights reserved Archives on the Web at Join: Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Leave: Send SIGNOFF TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Send this copy to 3 friends and tell them to hop on the Bus! =====================================================================
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