From: Bob Rankin (bobrankin@ULSTER.NET) Reply-To: TOURBUS-Request@LISTSERV.AOL.COM To: TOURBUS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: TOURBUS - 15 Sep 1998 - ForkInTheHead / Callahan Cartoons _________ ____________ ________ __________ _____________ ___ _ / | / | | / | \ | 2 FOR 1 ON MOST INK JET CARTRIDGES / | \ |__________|__________/__________|__________|___________/ | \ / /______|----\ | WIN A VACATION AND SEE OUR GREAT PRICES. SAMPLES: |//////| | | EPSON S020089-2 OR $25.00 CANON BCI 21-2 FOR $17.00 |//////| | | HP LASER 75A 1 FOR $47.00. HP INK JET SAVINGS! Most |//////| | | MAJOR BRANDS. To ENTER CONTEST and see UNBELIEVABLE |//////| | | PRICES on guaranteed products, CLICK HERE: |//////| | | or Call 1-888-429-9373 |//////| | \_______________________________________________________|______|____| / \ / \ / \ \___/ \___/ T h e I n t e r n e t T o u r B u s \___/ TODAY'S TOURBUS TOPIC: Whatever TODAY'S TOURBUS STOP: Hi All! Today's Bus is going to be brief, because I really wanted to get it out in time for delivery on Tuesday. I think you'll enjoy the sites we have lined up today, and as always, I hope you'll pay a visit to our sponsors and tell them you appreciate their support of the Bus! ********* You Could Win a $100,000 Online Shopping Spree ******** EZSpree, is the "Shop and Win" sweepstakes that lets you earn chances to win prizes just by visiting participating merchant sites. For every new site you visit, you earn another entry! Visit to register. Click on the "I want to WIN!" button and enter your e-mail address. It's that simple!!! ***************************************************************** +------------------- FREE VIRTUAL GREETING CARDS -------------------+ Over 600 exciting Cards! They sing! They Dance! All occasions. See all four panels of your card. Opens just like a real greeting card. Beautiful animations.. 100%, absolutely FREE! Send a card now! +----------------> <---------------+ Need a Fork-In-The-Head? ------------------------ Cathie Walker, who I know from her work in creating the Centre For The Easily Amused (see the Tourbus archives) recently wrote to me with news of another website with promise. If you've ever visited a really BAD website, or just found certain things annoying, you'll appreciate the service. It's a way to send a gentle notice to a site's webmaster that something needs improvement. It does make me grumble when sites have huge gratuitous images with no text alternative, or black backgrounds with dark blue text. Broken links, missing images, and the like fall into the same "Your Slip Is Showing" category. You can use to - Send any web site owner a fork-o-gram with a message about what YOU think is wrong with their site... - Make your own site fork-free by finding out what works and what doesn't... - Enjoy some light relief with jokes, games and more. And if you couldn't guess, here's the address for the site: Fork In The Head - Callahan Online --------------- John Callahan is a syndicated cartoonist whose work is "guaranteed to offend and entertain in equal doses." As a quadraplegic, Callahan faces unique challenges, but decided long ago that humor beats the heck out of bitterness. Newspapers and magazines that have published his cartoons include Sports Illustrated, Mirabella, Harpers, The LA Times, The Chicago Tribune, and The London Observer. Callahan's motto is that we are liberated in a sense when we laugh about our adversities, and even wrote a piece called "The Lighter Side of Being Paralyzed for Life." If you like your humor with a bit of an egde, you can enjoy a two-week archive of Callahan's cartoons, read about the accident that left him paralyzed, and browse through his "wheelchair accessible online store" which offers a bunch of Callahan books. Callahan Cartoons - See you next time! --Bob Rankin =====================[ TOURBUS Rider Information ]=================== The Internet Tourbus - U.S. Library of Congress ISSN #1094-2238 Copyright 1995-98, Rankin & Crispen - All rights reserved Do You Like Tourbus? Recommend It and You Could Win a Palm Pilot! CLICK HERE Join: Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Leave: Send SIGNOFF TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Archives & Advertising Info: Online at =====================================================================
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