From: Bob Rankin (bobrankin@ULSTER.NET) Reply-To: TOURBUS-Request@LISTSERV.AOL.COM To: TOURBUS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: TOURBUS - 22 Sep 1998 - Revving Up the Search Engines _________ ____________ ________ __________ _____________ ___ _ / | / | | / | \ | "Why | Surf When / You Can | Ride The | Bus?" / | \ |__________|__________/__________|__________|___________/ | \ / /______|----\ | Visit the TOURBUS website to see the Archives, |//////| | | FAQ, and Subscription Information! |//////| | | |//////| | \________________________________________________________|______|____| / \ / \ / \ \___/ \___/ T h e I n t e r n e t T o u r B u s \___/ TODAY'S TOURBUS TOPIC: Revving Up The Search Engines Greetings fellow riders! In today's issue you'll learn about some promising new Web search engines, and how to stay up to date with the latest in search engine technology. I hope you'll visit today's sponsors. 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Send a card now! +----------------> <---------------+ WHO LEFT THE REFRIGERATOR DOOR OPEN? ------------------------------------ Before we begin our tour for the day, I wanted to remind you about the Cryonics survey we mentioned in a previous issue. It's really quite fascinating, and you'll be surprised at some of the answers. Is Walt Disney's body frozen? Find out soon, because the survey is closing in a few days. Cryonics Survey - THE SCIENCE OF SEARCHING ------------------------ The amount of information on the Web is growing fast, but the human brain is not getting much better at sifting through piles of data. The inevitable result is that it's getting harder to find what you're after. To solve this problem, we need better tools and/or techniques for searching in cyberspace. If you're well versed in using the advanced features of search engines like AltaVista or Infoseek, you can usually narrow down your search and find something useful after a few queries. But wouldn't it be nice if search engines gave you something useful on the first try, instead of 70,000 irrelevant hits? What if a search engine could weed out the stuff you're not interested in, and just show you the pages that are most likely to be relevant? Your wish may soon be granted, thanks to some work done by scientists at IBM's Almaden Research Center. The goal of the CLEVER project is to help searchers find a small set of documents that represent the most authoritative or relevant information on the requested subject. For example, if you do a search on "baseball", you probably would rather find the Major League Baseball Home Page instead of Dirk's Baseball Collectibles. CLEVER knows how to do that. By scoring the results based on how many other pages link to the initial hits, the importance of those links, and some other weighting factors, CLEVER can zero in on the good stuff. This is fundamentally different than the Direct Hit technology, (see our August 25 issue in the Tourbus Archives) hich relies on previously gathered human feedback to rank search results. By contrast, CLEVER relies only on the data to rank the results. Unfortunately, you can't try CLEVER for yourself just now. IBM may soon license the technology to major search engine sites, or it may be used to build a Yahoo-like index to the Web with automatically generated lists of sites corresponding to popular searches. You can read more about CLEVER here: CLEVER - ...or you can try an experimental search engine called Google, which uses similar weighted-link ranking techniques, here: Google - Google seems to work pretty well, but it is a research project, and its index covers only about 1/4 of the Web right now. Still, it was the ONLY search engine that gave me as the #1 hit for a search on "tourbus". SEARCH ENGINE WATCH ------------------- If you have an insatiable need for the latest news about search engines, how they work, how they compare, and how to get the most out of them, you must visit the Search Engine Watch site regularly. Search Engine Watch - You find the Webmaster's Guide To Search Engines, with tips on prepping your website for the search engines, Search Engine Facts and Fun, with tips on using the major search engines, and the free Search Engine Report Newsletter. There's even a section on Search Engine EKGs, which details the "health" of the major players, both technically and financially. If you're a webmaster or a heavy duty web researcher, it's a must-see site. FIND YOURSELF ON THE PLUS BUS ----------------------------- Lots of people are telling us how much they enjoy both TOURBUS and the special weekend TOURBUS PLUS edition! In recent postings, PLUS readers learned about the Cult of the Dead Cow, the Internet Detective, and where online news junkies get their daily fix. To learn more about TOURBUS PLUS, and the $1000 MULTIMEDIA COMPUTER giveaway, CLICK HERE - See you next time! --Bob Rankin =====================[ TOURBUS Rider Information ]=================== The Internet Tourbus - U.S. Library of Congress ISSN #1094-2238 Copyright 1995-98, Rankin & Crispen - All rights reserved Do You Like Tourbus? Recommend It and You Could Win a Palm Pilot! CLICK HERE Join: Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Leave: Send SIGNOFF TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Archives & Advertising Info: Online at =====================================================================
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