From: crispen@NETSQUIRREL.COM Reply-To: TOURBUS-Request@LISTSERV.AOL.COM To: TOURBUS@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Subject: TOURBUS -- 17 DECEMBER 1998 -- DESERT FOX / SPORTS FIGURES This post contains inline ASCII graphics that look best in a monospace font like Courier. Text-to-speech readers should turn off punctuation now. _________ ____________ ________ __________ _____________ ___ _ / | / | | / | \ | JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY PANEL / | \ |__________|__________/__________|__________|___________/ | \ / /______|----\ | Answer Questions on Interesting Topics and |//////| | | Win $$$ Prizes. Email: |//////| | | Or Click!|//////| | \________________________________________________________|______|____| / \ / \ / \ \___/ \___/ T h e I n t e r n e t T o u r B u s \___/ TODAY'S TOURBUS STOP(S): News from Desert Fox / ESPN Sports Figures TODAY'S TOURBUS ADDRESS(ES): Howdy, y'all! I am happy to announce that the winner of our $1000 TOURBUS PLUS Computer Giveaway is Calvin Lamb from Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Calvin is an enthusiastic reader of TOURBUS and says he often uses the information he finds in our little bus of Internet happiness. A retired chemist, Calvin has been using an old '386 for his email, but now he's going to be surfing at 333 megahertz! If you didn't win, never fear -- wait until you see the computer we give away next year to a lucky TOURBUS PLUS reader! I want to thank the folks at "Advisory Panel," "Flying Noodle," and "Affordable Computer Supply Marketplace " for bringing today's journey of our little bus of Internet happiness to you. Please take a moment to visit today's sponsors and thank them for keeping TOURBUS on the road! +-------- FLYING NOODLE PASTA OF THE MONTH CLUB ------------+ Can you boil water? Check out Flying Noodle's Pasta of The Month Club (1-12 month memberships). $26.90 includes shipping to the continental USA. Less than $3.00 per meal. Cheaper, faster and better than pizza! +-------------------------------- ----+ +------------ SAVE! 2 FOR 1 ON MOST INKJET CARTRIDGES --------------+ EPSON S0220089: 2 FOR $25 / EPSON SO20189: 2 FOR $26 EPSON SO20191: 2 FOR $26 / CANON BCI-21: 2 FOR $10.50 / CANON BJI-201: 2 FOR $8 HP 51645A 1 FOR $19.99 / EPSON SO20093: 2 FOR $14.50 / VISIT OUR SITE FOR FANTASTIC PRICES. CHECK OUT OUR NEW LINE OF MEDIA PAPERS! * Or Call 888-429-9373 +-------------------------------------------------------------------+ On with the show ... ---------------------------- News from the Arabian Desert ---------------------------- To say that this has been an interesting news week would be a terrible understatement. The US House of Representatives will meet in a few hours to debate the possible impeachment of President Bill Clinton, and at the same time US troops are continuing their bombing of Iraqi targets in Operation Desert Fox. Every major online news organization is covering both of these stories in depth. However, once again Yahoo News has the *BEST* coverage. You can find Yahoo News' "Desert Fox" page at and their "impeachment" page at Both of these pages are updated several times a day and offer links to the latest related news stories from ABC, BBC, CNN, Fox News, AP, Reuters, and others. As you would expect from Yahoo, both of these pages also provide you with links to dozens of other related Web sites. For example, the Desert Fox news page has links to UNSCOM's homepage, Richard Butler's recent article in Newsweek, and information about the tomahawk missile. By the way, Yahoo's coverage of these stories is not unique. They have a section called "Full Coverage" that provides this same level of in-depth reporting for dozens of news stories around the world. You can find Yahoo News' Full Coverage page at . Alert TOURBUS readers will remember that we mentioned Yahoo News' Full Coverage section during Hurricane Georges. You can still find that post -- in fact, you can still find *ALL* of our old TOURBUS posts -- in the TOURBUS archive at . ---------------- A Quick Y2K Joke ---------------- I'll assume that you already know about the Y2K problem (by the way, the Yahoo News Full Coverage section has a *wonderful* Y2K page). Anyway, I thought that you'd enjoy the following: Microsoft announced earlier today that the official release date for the new operating system "Windows 2000" will be delayed until the second quarter of 1901. And no, this story is *not* true. Funny, but not true. ------------------- ESPN Sports Figures ------------------- Our final stop is the ESPN Sports Figures site at . Sports Figures is a collection of free, educational television programs that teach basic principles of algebra, physics, general science, and geometry, with the help of famous sports figures. For example, Sports Figures teaches Newton's laws with the help of ice hockey player Mike Richter (NY Rangers); velocity, acceleration, and trigonometry with baseball player Chipper Jones (Atlanta Braves); and force, torque, and center of gravity with football player Jerome Bettis (Pittsburgh Steelers). The Sports Figures television programs are shown in the wee small hours of the morning on ESPN2. The good news is that educators are free to videotape these programs and use them in the classroom. The bad news is that you'll have to figure out how to program your VCR to do this. :( Actually, there is one more piece of bad news: while the Sports Figures Web site offers a broadcast schedule, the folks at ESPN haven't updated that schedule in over a year. Fortunately, you can find an updated Sports Figures schedule at . Just type in the keyword "sportsfigures" (one word), leave the other options unchanged, and click on the "submit" button. On the next page, ignore the word "ERROR" and click on the "SportsFigures" link. This will take you to a page showing you the date, time, and description of each of the Sports Figures episodes that will be shown on ESPN2 in the next couple of weeks (the next episode will air on Monday, December 21, from 5:30 to 6:00 AM Eastern Time on ESPN2 -- set your VCRs!).. So, what good is the Sports Figures Web site if you have to go to the "Cable in the Classroom" Web site to find out the broadcast times? Well, the Sports Figures Web site offers free lesson plans and activity sheets for each episode (you'll need Adobe's free Acrobat Reader to be able to view and print these files). The site also offers short multimedia snippets from each episode (either in AVI or QuickTime format), but they only last a few seconds. Finally, the Web site includes information on how to contact ESPN's Cable in the Classroom Department (I plan on contacting them later today to tell them that if they don't update their schedule soon I will have no choice but to "unleash the squirrels"). Seriously, though, how could anyone NOT appreciate a television program that uses Jerome "the bus" Bettis to teach torque? :P ------------------------------- UPDATE: Is There A Santa Claus? ------------------------------- In my last post, we investigated the question of Santa Claus. Alert TOURBUS rider Lee Jerger offers incontrovertible proof that answers this question once and for all: "No parent in their right mind would give a 6 year-old a drum set, therefore Santa exists!!" Sounds logical to me. :) TODAY'S TOURBUS STOP(S): News from Desert Fox / ESPN Sports Figures TODAY'S TOURBUS ADDRESS(ES): -------------------------------- TODAY'S SOUTHERN WORD OF THE DAY -------------------------------- Today's Southern Word actually involves a short story forwarded to me by several alert TOURBUS riders: In a small Southern town there was a nativity scene that indicated great skill and talent in its creation. One small feature bothered me though. The three wise men were wearing firemen's helmets. Totally unable to come up with a reason or explanation, I left. At a "Quik Stop" on the edge of town, I asked the lady behind the counter about the helmets. She exploded into a rage, yelling at me, "You darn Yankees never do read the Bible!" I assured her that I did, but simply couldn't recall anything about firemen in the Bible. She jerked her Bible from behind the counter and ruffled through some pages, and finally jabbed her finger at a particular passage. Sticking it in my face she said, "See, it says right here, 'The three wise men came from afar!'" You can find all of the old Southern Words of the day at =====================[ TOURBUS Rider Information ]=================== The Internet Tourbus - U.S. Library of Congress ISSN #1094-2238 Copyright 1995-98, Rankin & Crispen - All rights reserved Archives on the Web at Do You Like Tourbus? Recommend It and You Could Win a Palm Pilot! CLICK Join: Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS Your Name to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Leave: Send SIGNOFF TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Send this copy to 3 friends and tell them to hop on the Bus! ===================================================================== .~~~. )) (\__/) .' ) )) Patrick Douglas Crispen /o o \/ .~ {o_, \ { / , , ) \ `~ '-' \ } )) _( ( )_.' Warning: squirrels. '---..{____}
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