From: Bob RankinSubject: TOURBUS - 24 Sep 02 - Rider's Revenge #23
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Hi all... it's time for another Rider's Revenge issue, where I share sites that your fellow Tourbus riders think are useful, fun, cool or otherwise worthy of attention. If you have a favorite site that's of interest to an international audience, send it along for the next Rider's Revenge!
Betty (who has been a Tourbus Rider since 1996!) wrote to tell me about BEATCALC. No, it's no violence directed at our little plastic and silicon friends...
> BEATCALC will wake up your brain on Monday morning with *free*
> instructions how to do math computations mentally faster than
> someone using a calculator. For example, learn how to square 65
> or 95 mentally faster than a friend using a calculator.
> To subscribe to the free BEATCALC newsletter send e-mail request
> to
Murray from Ilinois wrote with some good advice:
> Hey Bob, I really enjoy Tourbus and have been a rider for several
> years. I finally get to make a contribution. After reading today
> about Credit Card Safety, I thought I'd pass on a new technique
> being offered by at least 2 different credit card issuers. Both
> do the same thing and utilize the very same software. Discover
> and MBNA will issue you a one-time-only credit card number and you
> can even place a maximum amount and expiration date if you choose.
> I've been using this for some time and it works great.
For more information, check with your credit card issuer or visit one of these sites:
The mysterious "L" from the state of Washington says:
> Some young friends of mine started a set of message boards related
> to travel, because the message boards at were going to
> die. The boards are a good place to post travel related questions,
> opinions and information. There are participants from Australia,
> Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Great Britain and the US.
> The "hot" in Hot Talk refers to the heat generated by the occasional
> disagreement over seat pitch, or whether pilots should carry guns,
> what is "packing light?" and so forth. Occasionally some person
> finds us who thinks that Hot Talk refers to something else. They
> usually go away after one posting. The high school students who
> moderate the boards do a very good job of allowing heated debate,
> while watching for the occasional tiger roaming among the lambs.
Denis from Venice (California, that is) wanted to tell me about his nifty cartoon site.
> Dear Dr. Bob, I'm enjoying my ride on the bus. I just wanted to
> let you know about my site, HippoWorks, to see if you would
> consider telling fellow riders about it. I'm a cartoonist who
> creates 'cartoonlets,' or bite-sized animations. AOL recently
> saw them and are starting a test run of them on their site.
At first glance, you might think it's a site for small children, but the cartoons can be enjoyed by people of all ages.
Judy from Egypt wrote to tell me that your PC may also function as a bug zapper...
> Hi Bob. Thanks for the fabulously useful Tourbus which finds it's
> way to me on the Red Sea coast of Egypt!
> I have been sent a site which you might like to pass on to the rest
> of the bus riders. It's from Thailand and is free software which
> is said to emit a frequency which paralyzes the wings of mosquitoes
> within 2 metres of the computer! Might be worth checking out.
I downloaded the software, but didn't have any mosquitoes to test it on. If you have Windows 95/98/ME and it works for you, please drop me a note!
That's all for now, I'll see you next time! --Bob Rankin
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