The Best of MOVIES on the Internet
Internet Movie Database
IMDB lets you search for a movie or video by its title, and tells you
everything you could ever want to know about that movie and its actors.
A movie review Web site that combines the breadth of IMDb's reviews
with the ease-of-use of Entertainment Weekly's "Critical Mass" chart.
Includes reviews from major critics on each movie page and a system
for comparing reviews between critics and movies.
Ever wonder if a movie is appropriate for your family? has detailed reviews for movies and videos.
You'll know just how much language, violence, sex, and other potentially offensive material you'll be exposed to.
Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes is a site for both casual movie-goers and film buffs alike. Millions each month use Rotten Tomatoes as a dependable resource and objective coverage of movies and videos. With more than 100,000 titles and 360,000 review links in its ever-gro
wing database, Rotten Tomatoes offers a fun and informative way to discover the critical reaction on movies from the nation's top print and online film critics, neatly summarized via the Tomatometer™.
$szTopics = $_GET['terms']; // keywords to look up
$szSources = $_GET['src']; // keywords to look up
$docurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
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// $szSources = $HTTP_GET_VARS['src']; // keywords to look up
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$szTopicsSearch = strtolower(implode ("+", $rgszTopics)); // keywords w/ + for searches
// collections that pre-filter (i.e. search results)
$rgSrcDefault = array (
// "$szTopicsSearch",
// "\"$szTopicsSearch\"&s=1&c=10&t=p&o=rss",
// "$szTopicsSearch&t=get-rss",
$rgSrcSearch = array (
$rgSrcSearchLeo = array (
// collections that we filter on fetch
$rgSrcMS = array (
$rgSrcTech = array (
$szSourceDisplay = "news";
$rgSourceFeeds = $rgSrcDefault;
$fFilter = 0;
if ($szSources == "") { $szSources = "news"; }
$szTopicsDisplay = "
" . $szTopicsDisplay . " in the News
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