The Best of TEACHING RESOURCES on the Internet
New York Times Learning Network
Created for students and teachers in grades 3 through 12, The Learning
Network is a free news service that provides news summaries, quizzes,
and even daily lesson plans.
Educator's Reference Desk
Formerly "Ask ERIC" Access ERIC's 2,000+ lesson plans, 3,000+ links to online education information and 200+ question archive responses. Includes a search interface to the ERIC Database.
Surfing the Net with Kids
Amid all the media attention to all the bad things that can happen to kids on the Internet,
the educational possibilities of the Web are often overlooked. Not so at Barbara J. Feldman's
Surfing the Net with Kids site. Each week she picks a single topic (such as Rainforests,
Hubble Space Telescope, Mozart, Dolphins, or Plate Tectonics) and chooses the best sites to explore.
CREATE for Mississippi
This site contains over 250 technology-infused lesson plans created and field-tested by Mississippi teachers
aligned to national standards. It also contains over 150 technology how-to documents geared towards educators.
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