The Best WEBMASTER resources online
Matt's Script Archive
Wanna build your own nifty interactive website gadgets? Visit Matt's Script Archive and you'll find working CGI scripts that you can install on your server. Some programming skills are required here, as well as permission from your ISP or webhosting
service to install and run your own CGI programs.
The Webmaster's Reference Library -- a one-stop Web developer's resource...9-time Winner PC Mag's Top 100...Daily how-tos on JavaScript, DHTML, HTML, Design, 3-D/VRML, E-Commerce, Perl and more.
Homepage Tools
Add nifty features like a guestbook or bulletin board to your website that are free to use, no programming required (Web-based).
Webmaster Freeware
Totally free software for webmasters: HTML Editor, Web Voice Applications, Free Plug-ins and other tools.
$szTopics = $_GET['terms']; // keywords to look up
$szSources = $_GET['src']; // keywords to look up
$docurl = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
// $szTopics = $HTTP_GET_VARS['terms']; // keywords to look up
// $szSources = $HTTP_GET_VARS['src']; // keywords to look up
if (substr($szTopics,0,1) == "/") { $szTopics = substr($szTopics,1); }
$szSources = strtolower($szSources); // sources to search
$rgszTopics = preg_split ("/[\+ ]/", $szTopics); // turn keywords into array
$szTopicsDisplay = implode (" ", $rgszTopics); // keywords with spaces for display
$szTopicsDisplay = ucwords($szTopicsDisplay); // Upper first letters
if ($szTopicsDisplay == "") { $szTopicsDisplay = "Latest"; }
$szTopicsCarp = strtolower(implode ("|", $rgszTopics)); // keywords w/ | for Carp
$szTopicsFilename= strtolower(implode ("_", $rgszTopics)); // keywords w/ _ for cache filename
$szTopicsSearch = strtolower(implode ("+", $rgszTopics)); // keywords w/ + for searches
// collections that pre-filter (i.e. search results)
$rgSrcDefault = array (
// "$szTopicsSearch",
// "\"$szTopicsSearch\"&s=1&c=10&t=p&o=rss",
// "$szTopicsSearch&t=get-rss",
$rgSrcSearch = array (
$rgSrcSearchLeo = array (
// collections that we filter on fetch
$rgSrcMS = array (
$rgSrcTech = array (
$szSourceDisplay = "news";
$rgSourceFeeds = $rgSrcDefault;
$fFilter = 0;
if ($szSources == "") { $szSources = "news"; }
$szTopicsDisplay = "
" . $szTopicsDisplay . " in the News
require_once "/var/www/carp/carp.php";