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"Your timing is impeccable, your e-mails reassuring, your insights and knowledge about the Internet invaluable. Thank you for taking the time and effort to help your fellow netizens!" -- Mary L., Indianapolis, IN

Internet TOURBUS Archives 2004
viruses, hoaxes, urban legends, search engines, cookies, cool sites
Why Surf When You Can Ride The Bus?

"I'm a recent subscriber and just wanted to say "thanks" for including me; I'm already learning many new things!" -- Robert A.

2004 TOURBUS Mailing List Archives

  • TOURBUS - 01 06 04 Update Your Java
  • TOURBUS - 01 13 04 Are You Annoyed?
  • TOURBUS - 01 21 04 More Java / Airport Delays / Another Free PowerPoint
  • TOURBUS - 01 27 04 The Virus Solution
  • TOURBUS - 02 06 04 URL Spoofing Patch / Spyware-free RealPlayer
  • TOURBUS - 02 10 04 Rider's Revenge #29
  • TOURBUS - 02 19 04 The Search Engine War / Teaching with PowerPoint
  • TOURBUS - 03 04 04 Frontline / Leo Laporte on KFI
  • TOURBUS - 03 12 04 Gadgets / MS Security Update CD
  • TOURBUS - 03 23 04 Way Back When / Rebates
  • TOURBUS - 04 01 04 Explainer / E-Voting
  • TOURBUS - 04 08 04 Google Print / Confessions of a Car Salesman
  • TOURBUS - 04 21 04 A9 / Free Ice Cream
  • TOURBUS - 04 27 04 A Complete Waste of Time
  • TOURBUS - 05 01 04 Zoomerang
  • TOURBUS - 05 04 04 Astronomical!
  • TOURBUS - 05 11 04 WorldVillage Redux
  • TOURBUS - 05 25 04 Photography Resources
  • TOURBUS - 05 30 04 New Spybot / Springfield
  • TOURBUS - 06 08 04 Vacation Planning
  • TOURBUS - 06 10 04 Social Engineering: Part One
  • TOURBUS - 06 22 04 Super Searchers / Oddities
  • TOURBUS - 06 27 04 Social Engineering: Part Two
  • TOURBUS - 06 29 04 Digital Music / Lyrics
  • TOURBUS - 07 10 04 Care Packages / Wear Yellow / DCI
  • TOURBUS - 07 24 04 Exploits and Patch Management
  • TOURBUS - 07 27 04 Rider's Revenge #30
  • TOURBUS - 07 31 04 Firewalls
  • TOURBUS - 08 09 04 Odds and Ends
  • TOURBUS - 08 17 04 Back to School
  • TOURBUS - 08 19 04 Security / Delaying XP SP2
  • TOURBUS - 08 24 04 Pop Quiz!
  • TOURBUS - 08 31 04 Fun With Words
  • TOURBUS - 09 03 04 Testing Your Firewall
  • TOURBUS - 09 09 04 Self-Promotion / SP2 CD / Mac Patch
  • TOURBUS - 09 10 04 ASCII Art
  • TOURBUS - 09 14 04 Pets in Cyberspace
  • TOURBUS - 09 17 04 20 Questions / MS and Moz Patches
  • TOURBUS - 09 23 04 Closing Microsoft's JPEG Processing
  • TOURBUS - 09 28 04 Rider's Revenge #31
  • TOURBUS - 09 30 04 Update Your Antivirus
  • TOURBUS - 10 05 04 The IGs and Stella
  • TOURBUS - 10 12 04 Google SMS
  • TOURBUS - 10 14 04 Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer
  • TOURBUS - 10 24 04 Adware, Spyware, and Malware
  • TOURBUS - 11 09 04 Best of Everything
  • TOURBUS - 11 11 04 Firefox
  • TOURBUS - 11 18 04 Google Scholar / Upgrading to XP SP2
  • TOURBUS - 11 23 04 A Funny Thing Happened
  • TOURBUS - 11 25 04 TOY Awards / Lego World
  • TOURBUS - 11 30 04 News Flash
  • TOURBUS - 12 02 04 Removing Spyware
  • TOURBUS - 12 07 04 Stupid Patents / Online Postage
  • TOURBUS - 12 09 04 Internet Telephony
  • TOURBUS - 12 14 04 Updates From the Left Coast
  • TOURBUS - 12 16 04 Updates From the Left Coast - Part 2

  • Thoughts on striking a balance...
    "Most people don't pay attention to the calm voice of reason unless it's juxtaposed by screaming idiots on either side of the fence."

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    All rights reserved - Redistribution is allowed only with permission.

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