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"I liked so much this trip, I have learned a lot of things about the Internet community and services. It is one of the nicest ways to know about Internet." -- Bruno S., Brazil

The Internet TOURBUS - Warp the Busdriver Game

Warp The Busdrivers!

(If you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)
Bob's Poor Dog

Click and drag on the images. (Short movements work best.)

(If you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)
Bob's Face
(If you had a Java-capable browser, you'd see a really cool applet here.)

Patrick's Face

Click and drag on either image to make it even more hideous.

Warping code courtesy of Alex

Thoughts on striking a balance...
"Most people don't pay attention to the calm voice of reason unless it's juxtaposed by screaming idiots on either side of the fence."

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